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Macro Systems Blog

Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tips for Deploying Cloud Services

Tips for Deploying Cloud Services

Cloud computing has become a massive advantage for today's businesses, but every business has unique needs that require tailored technology solutions. A one-size-fits-all approach can be detrimental and leave you wasting money or worse—not getting the value out of your investments. Listed below are five key tips for effectively deploying cloud services in your business.

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Don't Over-Invest in Technology Your Business Doesn't Need

Don't Over-Invest in Technology Your Business Doesn't Need

Most businesses rely on their technology; thus, a failure to manage that technology can lead to significant financial waste and operational inefficiencies. One significant way a business can waste money is through over-investment in unnecessary or overly complex IT infrastructure. Listed below is an examination on how companies waste their money on technology and how to identify if technology is working for your business. 

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The “Act Your Wage” Trend Some Employers Have to Deal With

The “Act Your Wage” Trend Some Employers Have to Deal With

In recent years, several workplace trends have emerged that many employers find challenging. One such trend is "quiet quitting," where employees do only the bare minimum required to keep their jobs. A more recent trend is to "act your wage."

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Steps on Maximizing Digital Marketing Efforts

Steps on Maximizing Digital Marketing Efforts

Generating and capitalizing on digital leads is imperative for business success. A well-thought-out strategy to attract leads via websites, emails, and social media can significantly enhance a company's ability to create a good customer experience and grow its business. This month, we’ll examine this element of a business and give you a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of your digital marketing efforts. 

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Technology that can Improve Your Marketing Strategies

Technology that can Improve Your Marketing Strategies

With technology being such a massive part of modern business, many organizations are looking to use it to their advantage. One aspect of the business that is increasingly significant is their ability to stand out amongst their competition. Listed below are a few technologies that can enhance your organizational marketing efforts.

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Your Business’ IT Needs to Match Your Business’ Size

Your Business’ IT Needs to Match Your Business’ Size

Technology is an essential part of most modern business operations, regardless of the size of the business… and how that size may change over time. As such, it is essential that the infrastructure that supports this IT can adapt to these swells and declines.

Listed below: why it is so imperative that your IT infrastructure fits your business and a few best practices for tailoring it.

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Don't Underestimate Social Engineering

Don't Underestimate Social Engineering

Cybercriminals will do anything they can to get what they want, including lying and cheating to break into an organization’s network and siphon off the data or gain control. One of the most utilized tactics that cybercriminals use today is called social engineering. Listed below we discuss social engineering and how it puts everything you work for in jeopardy. 

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Clean Data Is Critical for Backend Processes

Clean Data Is Critical for Backend Processes

Businesses are constantly trying to find a way to best utilize their data. Whether it is creating a business intelligence strategy, integrating artificial intelligence, or for simple analytics, without having accurate, reliable data, the insights you derive can be misleading and end up costing you. That’s why it is critical to know how to scrub or clean your data. Having access to clean data is essential for anyone involved in business intelligence or AI. Listed below is a simple guide to help you get started.

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Tips to Increase Productivity

Tips to Increase Productivity

Productivity is extremely imperative for your business' ability to generate revenue and maintain consistent performance. Interestingly, many businesses face similar productivity challenges over time. What can small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) do to enhance productivity when it starts to decline? Listed below are some strategies to keep productivity high. 

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How to Stay Safe on Social Media in 2024

How to Stay Safe on Social Media in 2024

You can do everything in your power to secure your social media accounts and lock down your privacy settings. Still, at the end of the day, social media users expose themselves to a torrent of information and content every time they log on. As a civilization, we’ve never really had something like this before. These platforms curate content that the user wants to see to keep the user coming back and staying longer. It’s inherently designed to be enticing and addicting, which is dangerous for certain individuals.

Then, there are scams and an endless stream of grifts that pose a wide range of additional problems for users.

Listed below are ways you and those you care about can be safer on social media.

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The Cause of Downtime and How to Avoid It

The Cause of Downtime and How to Avoid It

It’s no secret that things are more expensive these days, making it imperative that businesses have access to the technology needed to generate revenue. Without this access, a business suffers downtime and all the challenges it brings… not something you want to do.

Let’s consider why downtime happens, the scale of its costs, and what can be done to avoid it.

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How to Set Business Goals Designed for Success

How to Set Business Goals Designed for Success

We all want our businesses to succeed; that’s the point of running one. However, this will require you to set the right goals and do so correctly.

Listed below is the process you should follow to accomplish this.

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Tips on Protecting Yourself on Social Media in 2024

Tips on Protecting Yourself on Social Media in 2024

Social media is continuously evolving, and if the big social networks had it their way, it would be the only place people go when they log onto the Internet. Whether you have strong feelings for or against social media, or perhaps you are indifferent, it’s imperative to know how to protect yourself when using social media.

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Zip Files Explained

Zip Files Explained

Have you ever seen the file types that look like normal folders, but they have a zipper on the icon? These are called ZIP files, and they are helpful for several reasons. We’re sure you have encountered zipped files throughout your time using technology; we want to demystify them a little bit and show you how to use them effectively.

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How to Utilize Adobe Generative AI to Dress Yourself Up for a Professional Selfie

How to Utilize Adobe Generative AI to Dress Yourself Up for a Professional Selfie

While AI is far from perfect, there are ways that it can help do something mundane or speed up a workflow here or there. I’m no expert in Photoshop either, so if I need to edit something, I usually depend on someone with a little more experience, but this was a really neat trick I was able to do in just a few minutes!

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What You Need to Know about Machine Learning

What You Need to Know about Machine Learning

Emerging technologies provide significant opportunities for businesses to achieve their goals. That being said, understanding how and when to leverage these technologies is imperative. One of the most rapidly advancing technologies today is artificial intelligence (AI). Yet, AI encompasses more than what one might initially think. Many of the most impactful business tools are powered by a branch of AI called machine learning (ML). This month's newsletter delves into machine learning, its mechanics, and its applications within a business context.

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How to Make Your Passwords More Secure in 2024

How to Make Your Passwords More Secure in 2024

Passwords have long been one of the central pillars of account security on the Internet. Combined with a username, they make up the foundation of most login systems. Because of this, they are a hot commodity for hackers who want to steal credentials and infiltrate accounts or networks. However, in recent years, other security measures have exposed the weakness of poor passwords for security, leading to the adoption of other measures.

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How to Create Sticky Notes in One Note

How to Create Sticky Notes in One Note

Note taking apps are really helpful and Microsoft OneNote is one of the most available and feature rich apps on the market for this use. You are probably familiar with the sticky note. They are notes that give a solid visual representation of items that workers need to be cognizant of for all types of processes. Listed below is the process of creating “sticky notes” in OneNote.

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How Small Businesses can Utilize Big Data's Power

How Small Businesses can Utilize Big Data's Power

Big data is now a critical resource for businesses of all sizes, including small enterprises. Modern businesses have unprecedented access to vast amounts of data, enabling them to make more informed decisions and operate more efficiently. This month’s newsletter explores how small businesses harness big data's power.

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Tips for Managing Guests/External Microsoft Teams Users

Tips for Managing Guests/External Microsoft Teams Users

There will always be times when you have to invite guests and other external users to your Microsoft Teams meetings, especially if you want to take advantage of the many collaboration options offered through the platform. Still, you need to be very careful with guests and external users, especially in today’s cybersecurity-centric world.

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