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Macro Systems Blog

Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Explaining the Compressed Workweek

Explaining the Compressed Workweek

The concept of a four-day workweek has started to gain significant traction among businesses of all sizes. However, there's a subtle distinction between the traditional four-day workweek and the compressed workweek. Listed below is an examination of the compressed workweek and what it means for employees.

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What Your Business Needs to Know about Scope Creep

What Your Business Needs to Know about Scope Creep

Projects are a big part of the small business model. Whether they are projects to enhance organizational efficiency or productivity or projects that are completed for customers, strong project management is extremely imperative. Scope creep happens when a project becomes less efficient because the demands of the project keep changing. Listed below: a definition of scope creep and how to prevent it from being a problem for your business.

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A Look at a Four-Day Workweek

A Look at a Four-Day Workweek

There has been a lot of talk about ways how to get more productivity from your staff. One idea floated a few years ago was reducing the number of days people work to four. Now, if you think, “How does working one less day improve worker productivity?” you aren’t alone. Listed below is a look at the benefits of a four-day workweek.

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The Issue With Devaluing Your Employees

The Issue With Devaluing Your Employees

Running a business can be difficult and result in a lot of frustration from staff, management, and customers. Sometimes that frustration can boil over and cause consternation among the core elements that need to function for a business to be successful. Listed below is a look at this issue which can really harm your business.

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A Look at Different Leadership Styles

A Look at Different Leadership Styles

Leadership can take many forms. As a leader in your own company, it can pay to understand what form of leadership you tend to express when working with your team. Listed below are some leadership styles to see if anything resonates.

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3 Ways Outsourcing IT Saves Your Business Money

3 Ways Outsourcing IT Saves Your Business Money

Technology has ingrained itself into just about every facet of modern life, especially in the business world where every competitive edge makes a difference. Many small and medium-sized businesses just don’t have the staff on-hand to manage and maintain their technology solutions, instead opting to outsource this critical responsibility to managed service providers (MSPs).

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Your IT Services Need to be Shaped to Your Needs

Your IT Services Need to be Shaped to Your Needs

For any business to succeed it needs to exhibit some degree of empathy toward its audience. Otherwise, the services and products they provide will be less likely to meet the priorities and needs that its targets are experiencing.

As a managed service provider, this is perhaps most true of us, as our services revolve around predicting the needs of our clientele and resolving them… ideally, before the client even realizes they have a need to fulfill.

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Big Tech Organizations Don’t Care About Your Data Privacy

Big Tech Organizations Don’t Care About Your Data Privacy

How imperative do you consider security for your personal and private data on your web-connected accounts? If you don’t think about it often, you should be because numerous major enterprises and providers you trust do not respect your data privacy and security. Listed below are how some large companies take advantage of your data and some of the questions you should consider when trusting these companies with your data.

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Benefits of Co-Managed IT

Benefits of Co-Managed IT

SMBs need to be able to navigate the complexities of IT, whether it’s with a completely outsourced IT department or an in-house team of technicians. That being said, if you are thinking of technology management in this black-and-white way, you are eliminating the potential for significant benefits via the use of co-managed IT.

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Steps for Implementing New Technology Solutions

Steps for Implementing New Technology Solutions

Businesses will often go into the process of self-improvement with unrealistic expectations for how much they can significantly improve their functionality. This simply is not true, and sometimes business owners need to realize that real change—the kind that yields real results—takes time. Fortunately, there are some actionable steps you can take to ensure that your business is moving in the right direction.

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Technology that can Help Small Businesses

Technology that can Help Small Businesses

Technology can add a lot of value for businesses, but sometimes it can be difficult to nail down exactly what can make a business run optimally. There are a lot of options, but that also means that there are a lot of things that can potentially go wrong. Listed below is a look at some of the technology that small businesses are using to support the new workplace and create better opportunities. 

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Why A Lot of Businesses are Sticking with Remote Work

Why A Lot of Businesses are Sticking with Remote Work

Do you remember a FEW years back when remote work went from being a privilege to the norm? It’s been a while since then, but many businesses have adopted hybrid or full remote operations, and as such, they are able to retain a semblance of normalcy even without the return of in-office work.

Some businesses have managed to get back to the state they were in prior to the pandemic, but there is a reason why a lot of businesses are not pushing the issue. Listed below are some of them, and why forcing the issue with your employees is not necessarily a good idea.

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Five Controversial Uses of Technology

Five Controversial Uses of Technology

Modern businesses grapple with a myriad of ethical challenges, necessitating responsible decision-making to keep the data they store secure. Some decisions that are made straddle the ethical line of right and wrong. Listed below is a look at five uses of technology that are controversial.

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How Technology can Enhance Productivity

How Technology can Enhance Productivity

Technology plays a vital role in the operations of most businesses, but its primary function is to empower and support the workforce. Many employees have specific expectations when it comes to the technology provided by their organizations. Failure to meet these expectations can drive them to seek employment elsewhere. Listed below are five ways technology bolsters your employees' productivity.

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5 Ways Your Business Can More Effectively Manage Inventory

5 Ways Your Business Can More Effectively Manage Inventory

Sure, retailers have to manage their inventory effectively, but have you ever thought about the way your own business manages what it keeps on hand? Listed below are five ways your business can better manage inventory; it turns out technology plays a vital part in improving any inventory control system.

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Today's Technology Can Enhance Sales Efforts

Today's Technology Can Enhance Sales Efforts

In many ways, a business is only as capable as its sales team allows it to be… and these days, a sales team is only as capable as their tech allows them to be. How you can turn this to your advantage by providing your sales team with the technology that supports their goals is listed below.

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How Data Affects Your Business Priorities

How Data Affects Your Business Priorities

Over the course of a year, a month, or even a single day, your business accumulates and utilizes a lot of data. You need systems in place to make good use of this data, otherwise your business is leaving efficiency on the table. Listed below are some proper uses for your data and how to make the most of this golden opportunity.

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How Managed IT Services Helps Your Business

How Managed IT Services Helps Your Business

Many businesses, regardless of their size, are increasingly turning towards managed services to streamline their operations, limit expenses, and elevate their overall customer value proposition. The utilization of managed services has revolutionized the landscape, not just in terms of cost-saving, but also in facilitating businesses to grow and extract greater value from their IT infrastructure. Listed below is a look into how managed services achieve this dual objective.

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Everything Your Business Needs to Know about Disaster Recovery as a Service

Everything Your Business Needs to Know about Disaster Recovery as a Service

In an era where businesses rely heavily on data and technology, the need for comprehensive disaster recovery solutions has never been more imperative. The stakes are high when it comes to safeguarding your company's digital assets and ensuring business continuity in the face of unforeseen disasters. This is where Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) comes into play.

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Operational Issues a Technologically Sound Business can Avoid

Operational Issues a Technologically Sound Business can Avoid

Businesses need to be aware of the role technology plays in today’s operations. Not only do you stand to lose ground on your competition if you fail to properly invest in your technology, it can have other negative effects on your business as well. Listed below are eight things that can go wrong if you aren’t constantly looking to build a technologically savvy business. 

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