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Macro Systems Blog

Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

In Business, It’s Dangerous to Go It Alone

b2ap3_thumbnail_business_partners_help_you_achieve_400.jpgSeasoned business owners understand the value of working with professionally-trained teams. Due to the complexities and time constraints of running a business, there’s no way that one person can do everything, much less doing everything well. Therefore, it’s ideal to have a professional team dedicated to every aspect of your business, especially when it comes to IT.

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Grow Your Business the Smart Way with VoIP

b2ap3_thumbnail_voice_over_ip_400.jpgIn a world where brief emails and instant messages inundate our day-to-day lives, there’s something to be said about taking the time to pick up the phone and talk to your customers. As your business grows and your client base expands, this can become increasingly expensive. VoIP is the perfect communications solution for your growing business.

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IT Designed For the Busy Business Owner

b2ap3_thumbnail_it_for_busy_business_400.jpgIf you’re the owner of a successful and fast-growing business, you know what it’s like to have your time spread thin. With all of your responsibilities pulling you every which way, thinking about your company’s IT network tends to get pushed to the bottom of your list. We feel like you shouldn’t have to divert energy from money making ventures to worry about your IT.

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An IT Christmas Carol

b2ap3_thumbnail_an_it_christmas_carol_400.jpgA technology-based parody of the classic Christmas story, “A Christmas Carol,” by Charles Dickens.

Once upon a time, in a land not much different from this one, there lived a business owner. His name was Scrooge. He wasn’t an unlikable fellow; jolly and cheerful at any glance, his smile could light up the darkness in anyone’s life. Yet, when the winter months arrived, and a chilled wind blew across the land, so too did a fell gust freeze his heart. It was time to figure out why his systems were hacked (again), and he knew it would be an expensive endeavor. How he hated managing his IT.

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3 Businesses That Manage Other Businesses on Your Behalf

b2ap3_thumbnail_business_to_business_management_400.jpgWe offer a handy IT service called vendor management. This is where we resolve technology issues on behalf of your business by coordinating with vendors to provide a fix, even if it lies outside the realms of our expertise. You may not realize it, but you actually use vendor management services for other everyday aspects of your life.

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One Failed Restaurant Shows Us Why it’s Vital to Be Listed Correctly on Google Places

b2ap3_thumbnail_google_places_400.jpgWhen a dining establishment goes out of business, it usually doesn’t make the news. After all, running a restaurant is a risky endeavor. However, for one Washington D.C. eatery, it’s blaming its failure a Google Places mishap, which makes you think twice about how important it is for your business to have its online information properly displayed.

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As the Facebook Empire Grows, the Acquisitions Keep Coming

b2ap3_thumbnail_facebook_is_buying_400.jpgIt's no secret that Facebook is one of the most visited sites on the Internet. In fact, according to the Alexa rankings, which measure website traffic, is ranked second after only With this much exposure, and the emanated revenue that comes from this kind of traffic, it has become important for the world's largest and most successful social network to scout out and eliminate possible competitors, many times before those companies even consider themselves potential competitors.

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Not So Fast: Time Warner Declines 21st Century Fox’s Takeover Bid

b2ap3_thumbnail_not_so_fast_400.jpgWe recently covered net neutrality and all of the threats that could compromise our right to indiscriminate Internet service, but a new development concerning 21st Century Fox and Time Warner might be one of the most scary situations yet. In a $80 billion bid, 21st Century Fox attempted a takeover of the media supergiant.

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Study Shows that an Open Office Can Hinder Productivity

b2ap3_thumbnail_open_office_400.jpgThe open office is convenient for a number of reasons. It is far more space-efficient, and it makes collaboration easier among coworkers. However, did you know that the open office can make people worse at their jobs? In 2002, a study in the journal Environment and Behavior tracked employees as they were moved from a private office to the open office, and the results were less than desirable.

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Does an Unlimited PTO Policy Sound Too Good to Be True?

b2ap3_thumbnail_unlimited_vacation_time_400.jpgPaid time off is somewhat of an anomaly to the business owner. They don’t want to provide too little and destroy morale, yet they don’t want to lose capital by providing too much to their employees. It might seem strange to suggest unlimited paid time off, but according to some business owners, it might be a quality solution to this dilemma, with enough care put into its integration.

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The Internet of Things Now Includes the Rainforest

b2ap3_thumbnail_this_is_big_data_400.jpgBig data is changing the way that the world works. Businesses are looking at big data to discover new trends in various industries. Additionally, big data is being applied to maintain the health of both humans and the environment, including the endangered rainforests.

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3 Signs Your Business is On Its Last Leg

b2ap3_thumbnail_start_up_problems_400.jpgWhen you first considered starting your own business, you thought nothing could possibly go wrong. You had so much hope for the future. But, things are a lot more complicated than that. You start to think the worst - your business is failing, and you don’t know what to do about it. When times get hard, do you throw in the towel, or persevere?

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Your Legacy Technology Could Be Holding You Back

b2ap3_thumbnail_let_down_by_old_tech_400.jpgWhen was the last time you provided your business with improved technology that offers a great return on investment? If your business is using software and hardware that hasn’t been updated in several years, the same technology that’s necessary for your operations could be holding you back from achieving optimal efficiency.

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How Your Business Can Benefit from Unified Communications Solutions

b2ap3_thumbnail_unified_communications_for_you_400.jpgIn business, the importance of using a unified communications system cannot be understated. Without this necessary common ground within your office, you’ll potentially run into complications when it comes to communicating with your employees. It doesn’t matter if you have ten or even a hundred employees; you should consider setting up a unified communications solution for your business, and quickly.

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It Takes 10-12 Positive Customer Reviews to Make Up for One Negative Review

b2ap3_thumbnail_unhappy_clientele_400.jpgWe all like to think that our businesses are the most influential in our chosen field. However, the true scope of how true this is, lies not only in your expertise, but also with your clients. If they aren’t satisfied, you can be sure that this fact will reflect itself in your sales figures.

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Your IT Department Should Be Your Allies, Not an Afterthought

b2ap3_thumbnail_it_that_works_for_you_400.jpgHow involved in your operations is your IT department? Does your SMB even have an IT department? Many organizations tend to consider IT an afterthought because they don’t believe themselves to be targets for hackers, or don’t anticipate costly technology issues. However, these business owners underestimate the power of complete transparency between an organization and IT.

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3 Ways That Your Business Can Improve Innovation

b2ap3_thumbnail_innovation_brings_profits_400.jpgWhen it seems like every idea has already been patented or brought to fruition, that’s a key indicator that innovation in your company is lacking. Traditionally, advancements in business technology have driven innovation for companies. If your company’s innovation well is running dry, then there are measures that your business can take to become more innovative.

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Use This Test to Calculate Your Employees’ Risk Levels

b2ap3_thumbnail_risk_for_employers_400.jpgWhen it comes to your business’s data security, there can be no room for error. October is Cyber Security Month, so there’s no better time to ensure that your business is taking all of the proper precautions to maximize security protocol. However, there’s an often-forgotten aspect of cybersecurity called employee risk management, and it’s more complex than you might think.

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You Need to Take Into Account Every Possible Risk to Your Data

b2ap3_thumbnail_your_business_backup_plan_400.jpgYour business’s data is its lifeline. Without it, you can’t hope to continue functioning, especially if you’re unable to recover it following a data loss disaster. Businesses that experience a devastating data loss incident, and are unable to recover, are likely to go out of business within one calendar year following the incident. Is your business prepared to tackle a data loss disaster?

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Tip of the Week: No Internet? No Problem! 3 Ways to Be Productive Without the Internet

b2ap3_thumbnail_no_electric_no_internet_400.jpgMost modern businesses need access to crucial parts of their infrastructure in order to keep operations moving forward. For example, your building’s electricity is necessary to power your technology, and without an Internet connection, you could be losing out on hours of potential productivity. What can you do to minimize downtime and make the best out of a bad situation?

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(703) 359-9211

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3867 Plaza Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22030